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Forming good habits

Good habits are necessary for all areas of our lives. From losing weight to learning, meditation, what you eat all the way to, how to manage your finances successfully. This article will take a quick look at why good habits are great to have, and how you can go about forming them.

Personal Habits

Can you easily identify any good habits you already have? Do you exercise regularly? Do you organize your bills so you don’t miss paying them on time? While these things may seem small they are good habits that help you stay organized with your life.

When you begin to perform tasks without thinking, this means that they have already become a habit. Good for you! If a certain task or chore seems like a daily effort, this is because it has not become habitual yet. The good news is that it only takes 3 weeks for something to become a habit. The hardest part is getting through the first weeks.

There are certainly plenty of areas in your personal life that could benefit by forming habits. Examples of these would include exercising regularly, making time to play with your children, having a date night with your spouse, and planning out your workweek

Many of these things can be easily planned and arranged by using a calendar. The act of planning will then become a new habit. This will in turn improve all areas of your life. You will find that you have more time to spend with your family and that you actually do have some free time.

Business Habits

When it comes to the business side of habits things like remembering to check your email, checking for customer support tickets, and creating a to-do list all fall into the habit category.

You have to open and read your business emails to stay on top of your work schedule. If you don’t respond to customer service issues, you will certainly lose customers.

Creating a to-do list is probably one of the best business-related habits you can form. A to-do list can be categorized in different ways, by the due date, by the importance of the job, or by the amount of time required.

Once you have a to-do list in place then you can be more productive. Each morning your list is waiting and you just pick up from where you left off the day before. Why not list the habits you currently have and then create a list of ones you would like to form, pick one and start working on it.


Meditation for Beginners Journal

Meditation for Beginners Book


Today is the day you can begin to hold yourself responsible in all areas of your life. Be accountable to yourself and you’ll be amazed at what you can achieve!

Set new goals. Push yourself beyond your limits. Learn from your past and then move on. Forgive everyone and yourself. There’s plenty of life left to be lived. Book your free breakthrough session to help get your life back on track.

Akiliflow provides culturally centered coaching and courses with tools designed to help you tackle your work and your life. It's time you gained balance to achieve the peace and clarity needed to reach your goals!

Demetrius Irick, is the Co-Founder of Akiliflow, a Certified Executive Life Coach, Meditation Coach, and Author. Considered an agent for change, Demetrius has coached, developed, and built strong executives and management teams for fortune 500 & 100 companies to include: Barnes & Nobles, DTLR, Inc. Sprint, Footlocker, and others. Demetrius guarantees you’ll gain a healthy accountability partner, focus, and the insight you need to reach the results you deserve.


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