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National Reach As High As You Can Day

National Reach As High As You Can Day

Are you comfortable with your life’s accomplishments? Have you reached your goals? Is there a place you want to visit? A school you want to attend? A book you want to write? Today is the day you put some effort into getting a little closer to that goal. There are countless articles and how-to videos on goal-setting but I’m going to share with you three short effective questions you should ask yourself before you take off to conquer the world.

First, Do you know where you are going? It’s imperative that you take a moment and decide what you want. Sounds simple right…I know too often throughout my practice as a coach I speak with people that know they want more but don’t know exactly what they want. They know that the alternative of doing nothing or staying where they are ultimately is not what they want and this can be a great motivator. When a person is sick and tired of being sick & tired usually that’s when they will move.

Secondly, Have you decided how you are going to get where you are going? Are you going to ride on a Greyhound and let someone take you to a million stops that you would never stop to if you were driving? Will you catch a ride with a friend and allow them to dictate how and when you get to your destination? Often, we allow others to chart our life and goals and rarely see that our lives and the outcomes are our sole responsibility.

Lastly, What are you willing to do to reach your destination? Success isn’t something for the people that kinda want to be successful. Success isn’t for those that don’t believe they can be successful. Success comes with a burning desire to want to be different. It comes with many nights and days thinking, adjusting and sacrificing to ensure you get to your desired outcome. It’s a sense of knowing that whether rain, sleet or sunshine you will make it to your goal. It requires heart, patience, and insight to know that with the right behaviors and habits coupled with time success is always guaranteed.

Reach out to a loved one or friend today and tell them about your burning desire, unmet goal and ask them to hold you accountable for reaching those goals. Post your goals on your social media page and ask your followers and friends to check in with you periodically to ensure you are on the path to reaching the goals you have set. It has been my experience that a healthy level of accountability is simply one of the best ways to put a fire under your buttocks and ensure you stay in the race and not give up on yourself.

#Happy Reach As High As You Can Day

Demetrius Irick is an Author | Mentor | Certified Professional Life & Executive Coach, he has helped countless individuals, leaders, and companies reach their goals and life mission. He is the Co-Founder of Provoke Academy, an institution designed to help at-risk kids deal with their anger and emotions using the art of Meditation & Kemetic Yoga.

IG: @provokeacademy | @dirick01

FB: @provokeacademy

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